Monday 24 June 2024

Pink and Sage Green


Hello everyone. My card was inspired by another beautiful colour board at Color Hues Challenge

Also linking up at :-

Beautful Blossoms Challenge - Anything Floral Goes

Allsorts Challenge - Blooms, Bees and Butterflies/Anything Goes

Seize the Birthday - Anything Goes


Stef Perry said...

Sue, card is so sweet! Tucking the blooms into the frame looks fabulous as does the woodgrain embossed background. Someone will enjoy receiving this birthday card! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Color Hues!

Nancy said...

Such a pretty card and background. Your frame works well to tuck your stems inside. Thank you for playing along at Color Hues and Seize the Birthday.

kiwimeskreations said...

A beautiful card Sue - love the textured background and the simple elegance of the flowers

Marcia Hill said...

CAS and absolutely BEAUTIFUL Sue! Your blooms are so pretty and I'm loving the white frame and woodgrain embossed background. Thanks so much for sharing this lovely, lovely card with us at The Color Hues Challenge! Marcia (DT)

Karen said...

Gorgeous card! Your pinks just pop out from that wonderful white on white background and frame. Thanks for sharing with us at Color Hues!

Sarah said...

Thank you for sharing this pretty card with us at Allsorts, however we would be grateful if you would be so kind as to review the polite reminder on the recent challenge post and add some details about your card. Thank you. Sarah

Colleen said...

Beautifully colored card Sue, the background is stunning and draws your eye into the beautiful flower! Thank you for joining us at Seize the Birthday!

Tracey McNeely said...

Sue your flowers are coloured beautifully and the textured background behind if adds so much depth! Thank you so much for sharing with us at the Color Hues!